SHR stands for Super Hair Reduction and is the latest breakthrough innovation in IPL permanent hair removal / reduction.

When compared to traditional IPL hair reduction treatments, SHR is faster, easier and best of all – Far less painful than traditional IPL and laser treatments!

The SHR Hair Reduction method gently heats the hair follicles producing a warm tingling sensation. In-Motion™ technology is utilised by moving the hand piece over the treated skin which contributes to the overall comfort felt by our customers during their hair reduction treatments.

Is SHR IPL effective on all hair colors?

Yes, as long as the hair has some pigment.

IPL/SHR will not work on white or grey hair, as it has very little pigment.

How often do I have to have treatments?

Depending on the area that requires SHR hair removal, we recommend that our clients have 6-10 treatments at four - six week intervals.

Hair reduction treatments at these intervals will ensure that we are able to target the hair at the right time during the natural re-growth cycle.

Towards the end of the process, the interval between hair reduction treatments may be extended to 6-8 weeks as the re-growth cycles slow.


Why do I need several treatments? 

Hair growth occurs in 4 stages: Early Anagen (early hair growth), Anagen (active hair growth), Catagen (regression) and Telogen (resting, not growing).

SHR IPL hair removal only affects the Anagen stage (actively growing hair). Therefore, approximately twenty-five-percent of hair is removed with each treatment. A few treatments are therefore required for the treatment area to be hair free.

Is it safe?

IPL SHR hair reduction is the most popular aesthetic procedure performed around the world. SHR IPL treatments have provided safe and effective permanent hair reduction for millions of people worldwide. Because SHR devices utilises IN-MOTION™ and low-heat settings we are able to provide a level of safety unlike any other laser hair reduction procedure.

Is IPL SHR Hair Reduction permanent?

Clients can achieve anywhere from 80% to 90% hair reduction.These results will be influenced by certain conditions such as skin colour, hair colour and hormonal changes. We advise 2 to 3 Maintenance visits a year. This is because the body has millions of follicles and not all of them are active at the same time. During your initial course as mentioned 80-90% of hair follicles will be destroyed and will no longer produce hairs, however those dormant hair follicles can become active at any time and that is the hair that will grow when you are no longer having treatment.

What can i expect after each session of IPL SHR Hair Reduction?

After having your IPL SHR Hair Reduction treatment, your hair will continue to grow for 2-3 weeks (this is the treated hair being pushed out of the follicle) and will then shed.  New growth will occur, however a certain percentage of hairs will either not grow back or will be finer and less coarse.  This percentage will increase with each treatment.  

Between treatments the hair growth can be shaved but not waxed or tweezed.